Full Event Calendar

MAR 9231
MAR 9231

In winter as well as in summer, many events await you at the mountain! Take a look to all our activities and come visit us.

Events to come

  1. Tuile web journee perenoel calendrier web cuisinederue copie 9

    21 December

    Santa Claus Day

    Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Mont-Orford

  2. Visuels evenement hiver top2bottom

    16 February

    Top 2 Bottom

    Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Mont-Orford

  3. Visuels evenement hiver skitavie

    From 14 to 16 March


    Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Mont-Orford

  4. Journee peau de phoque web

    22 March

    Uphill ski day

    Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Mont Giroux Nord

  5. World record web

    29 March

    World record

    Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Mont-Orford
